LAT Takes on ABA
In the latest installment in his Los Angeles Times series on autism, Alan Zarembo takes a highly critical look at ABA:
Statewide, at least 75 firms, some with long waiting lists, offer ABA in a
variety of styles. The cost -- often $50,000 a year or more for a single child
-- has been covered primarily by taxpayers up to now.
In October, California passed a law requiring private health insurers to
include coverage for ABA in their policies. More than two dozen other states
have similar requirements, the result of relentless campaigning by parents and
their advocacy groups.
Yet for all the belief and investment in ABA, important questions remain
about its effectiveness and how best to use it.
Researchers have established that the therapy can improve behavior, language
and intelligence test scores. But no scientist using the gold standards of
medical research has reproduced the success rate reported by Lovaas, who died
last year.
Moreover, nobody can explain why some children respond to treatment and
others make little progress, even after thousands of hours. It is also unclear
which elements of ABA are responsible for the gains, how many hours a week are
needed and for how long, and whether children who receive the therapy fare any
better in adulthood than those who do not.
Complicating the picture is that scientists and providers themselves have
taken the therapy in a variety of new directions. Although the principle remains
the same -- long hours, day after day, in early childhood -- there has been
little research on how various approaches compare.