Yesterday, the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations of the House Foreign Affairs Committee held
a hearing on "The Global Challenge of Autism." Here are links to prepared statements:
The day before, the Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight of the Senate Committee on Finance held
a hearing on the ABLE Act. Robert D'Amelio, the father of two sons on the spectrum,
testified for Autism Speaks:
An ABLE account would enable families like mine to save for housing, job supports, education, and other services without the fear of losing Social Security or Medicaid benefits. The current section 529 plans fall short for the many individuals with autism and other disabilities who cannot or choose not to go on to college. As much as anything else, the ABLE Act is about fairness. If Christi and I can use a college savings account to provide for our daughter Lindsey’s future, why can’t we use something similar to take care of Nicholas and Christopher?