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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Mandates in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

At The Philadelphia Inquirer, Rachel Zamzow reports on insurance mandates in New Jersey and Pennsylvania:
Since the law was passed in New Jersey, "we've seen an ebbing, but we still see a lot of problems," said Princeton-based attorney Jodi Bouer, whose practice helps autistic patients use insurance. Autism New Jersey, an advocacy group in Robbinsville, has collected complaints from 25 families about mandated coverage, said the group's Elena Graziosi.
In Pennsylvania, the prevalence of complaints is harder to gauge because the law also compels Medicaid, insurance for the poor, to cover autism services. Providers who don't get paid by private insurers will often just bill Medicaid. This masks the full extent of coverage issues, said David Gates, director of policy for the Pennsylvania Health Law Project.
But some insurers avoid covering therapies a child can get at school, including ABA, said Bouer, dumping the costs onto public schools and other agencies.